An Evening Elopement at the Three Sisters in Glencoe


B & M have the most romantic story we’ve ever heard! In order to show her how much he loves her, B has vowed to marry M 10 times around the world! The first stop? Beautiful Scotland.

B & M reached out to us with only a few requirements. They only had 3 days in Scotland, they wanted to go somewhere mountainous and easy to get to, and they wanted to have a relaxed day. Oh, and a bagpiper! 

It may be obvious, but Glencoe is one of our favorite places, and it completely fit the bill for what they were looking for. With so many great shooting locations so close together, it wasn’t hard to have a play-it-by-ear approach. We picked a few spots while driving around together before the ceremony, and just hopped out to explore and get some photos wherever we felt like! It was such a fun way to experience Glencoe, with no stress or pressure at all.

We decided on an evening ceremony under the beautiful Three Sisters. With a bagpiper filling the glen with ancient tunes, as we wandered through the heather to their ceremony, it truly felt like the stars aligning for Bruno and Maria’s first wedding day. Conor led them through a heartfelt ceremony with plenty of laughs, until B + M’s personal vows brought us all to tears. We finished the day with a relaxing picnic in the evening sun and headed to a pub for a celebratory pint and dinner by the fire.

B & M’s incredible elopement team:


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Feel free to get in touch to chat about elopement planning or elopement photography in Scotland!


A Wander Through Edinburgh’s Old Town and Calton Hill Ceremony


A Sunny, All-Day Elopement at Loch Etive in Glencoe