An All-Day Summer Elopement on Scotland’s North Coast


J & D’s elopement was truly so special. From the start, they knew they wanted to elope somewhere far out and off the beaten path. Plus, D’s family heritage is from the north coast of Scotland, which was the perfect starting point for figuring out an elopement plan. It was decided - we would go all the way up to the very edge of the world. 

We started the day early at Forss House Hotel with bonnyswonderland, writing vows, and enjoying all their wonderful accessories. The rustic interiors of the hotel set the stage perfectly, and we headed down to the Forss River for a first look by the waterfalls. After a few tears and a wander through the woods, we headed off for our sunrise adventure.

Witnessed only by the dramatic Duncansby Stacks and early morning birds, J & D exchanged vows where they felt most at home - by the sea. With a gentle summer wind and golden morning light, it felt like the whole world was standing still for them. We explored the cliffs and soaked in the invigorating sea air before slowly wandering back to John O’Groats for a coffee and pastry platter. Of course, we had to grab a shot at the iconic signpost too.

After a beautiful morning, we decided to explore the Caithness coastline for the afternoon, stopping at castles and beaches along the way. We asked D all about his job as a fisherman back home, and found plenty of lobster pots and piers to explore too. The parallels were perfect. We even bumped into a local fisherman, who was thrilled to meet D & J, asking them all about their special day and life at home in Canada.

Last but not least, we enjoyed a chill picnic in the evening sun on the wide open beach at Sinclair’s Bay, and finished our 12-hour day back at Forss House Hotel for some final portraits in the whisky den. J & D’s elopement was truly wild and epic, and we loved every minute of it!


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Feel free to get in touch to chat about elopement planning or elopement photography in Scotland!


A Rainy Autumnal Elopement in Glencoe Scotland


A Summer Elopement and Sunny Picnic in Edinburgh’s Holyrood Park